Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today is Thanksgiving, although you wouldn't know it here in Seville, Spain. 

It is a strange thing to miss a holiday. Halloween wasn't so bad--it was actually nice to have a break from the thousands of drunk college students on State Street. Plus, Michael was here to keep me company. But today is different.

Thanksgiving for me means family and good food. While I can live without the food part (after all, I eat very well here, and who are we kidding, Christmas dinner is just around the corner!), I really have been feeling homesick for my family and friends today.

It was an unusually cloudy and dreary day in Seville. I volunteered at my school this morning and had class in the afternoon, just like every other Thursday. In fact, I didn't even really realize today was the day until my professor wished us a 'Happy Thanksgiving.'

It really is strange to miss a holiday. 

My study abroad program is giving us a Thanksgiving dinner tonight at a fancy hotel. It really is a nice thing to do--even if the mashed potatoes and pie are nowhere near the quality of my grandma's, it is a nice gesture and I appreciate it. And above all, it will certainly be comforting to spend the night with the friends I have made here.

And so tonight I give thanks to my incredibly supportive parents for allowing me (and giving me money) to study abroad here for the semester, and in general for everything else they have done for me (is it too cheesy to give a blanket 'thanks'?). I also give thanks to all of my family and friends who keep me in their thoughts and tell me they are waiting for my return. I love you all and think about you every day, especially today. 

I actually will be eating at 9 pm Spain time, which means 2 pm in Wisconsin--prime turkey time. So, in a way, we will still be eating together. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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