Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Guest Blog: Miguel en España


This is Michael, or Trevie, as some of you call me. Over the last nine days I have been in Spain visiting Molly, mi novia guapa. There's really too much to describe in a simple blog post, but I'll do what I can.

For the most part, I have been in Sevilla, where Molly is living for the semester. It's an extremely old city, with a rich and textured history to boot. For example, the cathedral here (the third largest in the world), has architecture from Catholics, Jews, and Muslims, all in one amazingly beautiful building. Sevilla is also home to the Plaza de España (used as a location in one of the Star Wars films), several large and gorgeous garden parks, and Alcazar, the royal palace that took over two hours for Molly and I to explore. Of course none of these are as beautiful as Molly herself...

Over the past weekend, Molly and I took a flight to Barcelona. The trip was essentially three days of walking in a gigantic city with a population of 1.5 million people, plus thousands of tourists from all over the world. But though our feet hurt quite a bit, we got to see some really spectacular sights and we ate some wonderful food. The main reason I wanted to go to Barcelona was to see the architecture of Antonio Gaudi. With Molly's friends, Amber and Grace, we spent an afternoon at la Sagrada Familia, which is his most famous work. It is a massive cathedral that is still under construction as they add more of his original design, as well as new features in his style. Supposedly it will be done between 2020 and 2040, after over 100 years of work, so hopefully we will have a chance to revisit it in our lifetime when it is complete. On our last day, Molly and I also visited his fairytale-like apartments, la Casa Batllo and la Padrera, and his outdoor park, Park Guell. Pictures don't justify how beautiful these structures are, so I am extremely grateful to have seen them in person. Lastly, we went to a flamenco concert. Uhmmm... the music and dancing are simply amazing -- you need to see this for yourselves, it's too hard to describe.

As I get ready to pack my bags, I am sad to leave Spain. Molly's señora, Gloria, is a saint. She feeds us huge two-course lunches and seems to have taken quite a liking to me. Molly says I make her laugh more than any other guest, which hopefully is a good thing. And of course I have to leave mi novia once again. But I will see her before Christmas, when she returns to a cold December Wisconsin. The only thing I'm worried about, is that she will have forgotten the English language, because her Spanish is so good that it is taking over.

Finally, a HUGE thank you to my parents for funding my first (and hopefully not last) trip to Europe! It has been incredible!

Hasta luego,


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