Saturday, December 11, 2010

Viaje: Aracena

On Sunday, November 7th I went on my last day trip with my study abroad program to Aracena, Spain (yup, we got on another bus).

On the way, we also made a stop to visit the mines of Rio Tinto (Red River), which is a World Heritage Site.

Mines of Rio Tinto
Check out the tinted red water

On the visit, they explained to us why exactly the water is that color.
However, it was an early Sunday morning and I was in no position to listen to science in Spanish. Sorry.

And they gave us hard hats. So awesome.
My hard hat alone made the whole trip worth it.
We continued on the bus to Aracena for lunch. Aracena is apparently known for their ham (they even have their own ham museum. I'm not kidding, really), so we ate the ham croquetas. They were delicious. (I have actually eaten croquetas in almost every city in Spain that I have visited...oops)

And then, we got to go into the CAVES! Tight!

We actually weren't allowed to take pictures in the caves.
But Amber covered me while I snapped a few...

Apparently these caves were the main event of whole day. It really was a strange day trip. Aracena is a very small city, and basically the only thing to do there is to look at the caves (and the ham museum, I suppose). I think we spent more time on the bus than actually in Aracena...

But, on the other hand, it was actually a nice change of pace. Usually our day trips are packed with historical facts and figures and stories of cultures from a million years ago. But this time, we just got to walk through some awesome caves! Just call me Indiana Jones. 

Anyway, there really isn't more to write about this trip. That really was it. So until next time!

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