Thursday, September 16, 2010


Seville is generally a safe place to live. The crime rate is relatively low, and the only thing you really have to be careful of is petty theft. That, and the gypsies, of course. 

Gypsies are Spanish women who target tourist-looking people to trick them into giving them money for various things. The gypsy photographed above enjoys hanging around the Cathedral (a very popular tourist spot) and handing out "blessings" to people passing by. She tells them they are "regalos" (presents) and entices them to talk with her. Then, as she talks, she finds a way to place the "blessings" into the person's hand. Then, of course, she asks for money. This can be tricky, especially for tourists who do not speak Spanish. I've heard people say to the gypsy "But you said it was a gift..." and the gypsy just holds out her hand. Lesson learned: Never let the gypsiess put anything in your hand!

But there's more to the story...
One fine morning as I was strolling on my way to class, I saw a gypsy picking branches off of a bush near the Cathedral. At first I thought "Well that's odd." And then I realized what she was doing...
Random shrub near the Cathedral
The gypsies literally go next door, pick some random branches off of a random bush, and give it to tourists for money. Interesting. Just thought you would like to know!

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