Monday, October 18, 2010


I thought I would tell you all a little bit about how I have been spending my nights in Spain...

During the week, Gloria and I watch Arrayán together. After dinner, we pull up our rocking chairs, grab our desserts, and chill while we watch our favorite TV show.

Arrayán is my favorite telenovela (soap opera). It's about a hotel named Arrayán and all of the people (and scandals!) in it. Like all good telenovelas, it is packed with drama. The plot line is obviously ridiculous, but riveting. (Gloria always laughs at me when I let out a gasp or a "oh no!") 

I love watching it primarily because I get to hang out with Gloria, and that is always a good time. But also because it really helps me with my Spanish. Although they talk quickly on the show, it is fairly easy for me to understand since the plot lines are so basic. It also helps me to learn conversational phrases like "déjame" (leave me alone!) and other insults that may be inappropriate to write. They are dramatic, sure, but could come in handy some day. 

I feel very content while I sit in my rocking chair next to Gloria, and I think this will be one of the things I miss most when I return to the States.

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