Sunday, October 17, 2010

Things to do: Befriend a Spaniard

Ramón, my intercambio, told me that I could mark this one off of my list!

I wrote in my previous post regarding my intercambio that I would keep you all updated on our progress. Well, since our first meeting, I daresay we have really hit it off. We meet usually once a week (if not more) for a beer, tapas, and conversation. We talk about everything from school, to politics, to social life, to Lady Gaga. (In case you were wondering, he is not exactly the biggest fan of Lady Gaga, but in this instance I have chosen to ignore this minor detail in the hopes of changing his mind.) He has really helped me to learn Spanish phrases and become more conversational with my speaking. What's more, we enjoy each others company. And that is very important because not every intercambio situation works out--there are many students in my program who either never hear from their intercambio or do not enjoy talking to them. And from my experience so far, that is really a shame because a good intercambio (like Ramón) is a great way to improve your language and social skills--plus it's fun! 

However, even though we had been having a good time together, I still was not sure if I could consider Ramón a friend. It is true that we are Facebook friends, he does have my phone number (I get texts from a Spaniard--how cool is that?), and his friends did sing Flamenco to me (seriously--I met a couple of his friends and they sang a Flamenco song and inserted my name into it). But I still was not exactly sure what constitutes a friendship in Spain. 

Luckily, I did not have to awkwardly ask him. Ramón read my blog and told me that it was okay to cross this one off the list. So there! =)

1 comment:

  1. which ramon??is it me??or other good looking spaniard you have known called ramon??ok i m gonna suppose it´s me...

    1.that i dont like lady gaga?? no no, i hate lady gaga, it´s a bit different.´re are so lucky having me as "intercambio" xdd.
    3.friendship in spain? i suppose is the same everywhere...yo know, you miss that person when he/she leave, laughing together and being at the bad periods...

    sooo considering all this i can say we are, at least, friends...=)
