Thursday, September 23, 2010


Exciting news: I met my Intercambio last night! Yay!

An "intercambio" is a person who's native language is a language you would like to learn. In my case, my intercambio is a Spanish student named Ramón. He would like to practice his English, and I would like to practice my Spanish. We are a perfect match! Plus, he's guapo (good looking).

Students get together with their intercambios over coffee, ice cream, a drink, dinner, etc. and help each other learn the language. I met Ramón last night at a meet and greet through my study abroad program. For most of the night, he spoke in English and I responded in Spanish. (It was a tad silly, but it worked.) Other times we spoke all in Spanish or all in English. We help each other with vocabulary and also correct each others grammar (if necessary--we all know mine is perfect) ;)

Intercambios are a great way for students from the States to meet students from Spain. I'm hoping he can help show me around Seville, introduce me to some more Spaniards, and of course, help me improve my Spanish! 

More to come on this later....

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