Saturday, September 25, 2010

Las Clases

I thought I should take some time to talk about the actual studying part of "studying" abroad...

Today I finished my Intensive Spanish Grammar session. It was two weeks of one grammar class for three hours a day, Monday through Friday. It's a mandatory session for every student in the program. I took my final exam today (yes, on a Saturday), and I'm glad it's over. 

On Monday, I will start the regular session of classes. I will have class Monday through Thursday for about 4 hours each day. Three of my classes are through my study abroad program at our CIEE Study Center and one class is at the University of Seville. These classes will include Women's Literature, The Construction of the European Union, Social Justice and Global Human Rights, and a Journalism course where I write for a student Spanish magazine. (Not a bad line-up, huh?) I daresay I'm pretty excited to start my classes! Let the "studying" begin!

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