Monday, September 20, 2010

Things to do: Learn to cook a Spanish dish

I crossed off my first "Things to do" last night when I learned how to make a Spanish tortilla. 

My first Spanish dish

I was watching my señora cook dinner when she asked me if I would like to learn. I replied with an emphatic "Yes!" She then taught me how to cook a Spanish tortilla, which is a traditional Spanish dish frequently served for dinner. It is similar to an omelet, but has potatoes in it.
There are many variations of a Spanish tortilla, but the one I made consists of eggs, potatoes, onions, and olive oil.

My señora was very excited to teach me, and proud when I successfully made it on my own. =)

If you're curious, here's a video of how to make one:

1 comment:

  1. Molly, this sounds delicious. I think we might try it for supper. For the two of us it would be perfect. You write so beautifully and we are enjoying your blog very much. Love. Aunt Carol
