Our fabulous idea was immediately put into motion. I would be Violet, Sabela would be Elastigirl, Laura would be Dash, and our friend Mario would be Mr. Incredible. Perfection.
We talked about the design of our costumes and gathered materials all week. The base of the outfit was pretty simple: red t-shirt and tights, black underwear, leggings, and gloves. For the most authentic results, we decided we would make the logos ourselves and paint the masks over our eyes. We planned to meet on Friday to make our costumes and then wear them out on Saturday to our favorite club, Merlin, which was rumored to have a costume contest planned for that night.
Side note:
Meanwhile, at this time I am teaching more than 35 hours of class per week, and will just have enough time and energy to squeeze this fabulous fiesta in over the short weekend. But hey, it's nothing an alumna from UW-Madison can't accomplish, right?!
But then the sands of time began to run against us. On Thursday, Mario realized that the costume contest at Merlin was actually on Friday, not Saturday (meaning tomorrow). "Crap," I said.
We did not have any of the costumes made, and did not even have all of our materials gathered yet. We were really counting on that extra day to prepare. But with the true spirit of a gang of superheros, we did not simply give up. I skipped my afternoon nap on Friday after a very long week of classes and we went straight to Mario's to assemble.
We began around 6:30 pm on Friday night. We surveyed our clothes and began constructing our logos. We decided that cutting material and sewing the pieces together would make for the best look. So we started the stopwatch and got to work.
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Laura and I making the logos |
Contemplating our black leggings |
Mario sewing the logo |
Sabela was the official 'cutter' |
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Hard at work |
We were having a fine night, listening to music, having some snacks, and talking about how sweet our costumes were going to turn out.
But then time started to become a factor. We needed to be at Merlin by 1:30 am to be entered in the contest. At 10:00 pm, we took a break for a much needed dinner, but felt anxious as our costumes were still not too close to being finished.
Cheese fondue for dinner Not a bad excuse for a break |
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The final touch: The mask |
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The Incredibles |
Violet, the force |
A nice one for Grandma How legit does that logo look? |
Ready for action |
Around 3:30 am, the contestants were presented. I know my opinion is biased, but we had the best costume. There was another group of superheros, but really cliche ones like Batman and Superman. (The Incredibles are obviously far more creative than that). Other groups bought their entire costumes already made, and we spent good time and energy on ours (A total of 7 hours in one night, which I think should earn us extra points). But until they announced the winner, there was nothing we could do but wait (and dance, of course).
But by the time 5:30 am rolled around, I was freakin' tired. I had worked a very long week, including an exhausting day, with no nap and no end to this stinkin' contest in sight. I had had enough. I was exhausted, cranky, and I daresay, tired of dancing. In fact, I was leaning against the wall of the club, complaining about how I wanted to screw the contest and just go home when I heard...
"And the winner is.... LOS INCREIBLES!!!"
In my stupor, I barely registered what the DJ had said when I felt Sabela shaking my shoulders. "Molly! We won! We won! Molly! Wake up! We won!!!" In an elated daze we ran up the stairs to the top platform by the DJ, yelling incoherently, fist pumping, and rubbing our victory in the other contestants' faces (just kidding, we would never do that...). And did I mention there was a prize?
Oh yes, there was a prize. 300 euros, baby. (Which is almost $400 American dollars).
Oh dang.
I couldn't believe it. None of us could. I mean sure, we thought we had the best costumes and thought we deserved to win, but everyone always thinks that about their own costumes in a contest. In fact, I don't think I have ever won any sort of costume contest in my life, much less in Barcelona during Carnival (and all in Spanish, at that!)! And did I mention there was 300 euros involved?!
My head was spinning as I ran immediately to the dance floor for a victory lap.
What an incredible night, indeed.
AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME! Those costumes are super sweet. I'm impressed. And proud that you spent the money on food :)